INcommon Grant
Grant Details
Goals and Timeline
Immigration, gentrification, incarceration, policing, institutional racism, and the legacies of segregation in housing and education are issues that continue to affect our communities. This grant opportunity invites Hoosiers to take a step back and use the humanities to look at the longer histories driving contemporary debates. We welcome diverse projects from across Indiana, addressing different themes and using a variety of public humanities formats, including reading series and civic reflection discussions; public lectures or panels; film screenings and discussions; or the creation of exhibits, web projects, podcasts, walking tours or documentary films.
- Application Deadline: July 31, 2025
- Award: Up to $5,000
- Notification: Approximately six weeks after the application deadline
- Date Projects May Begin: Oct. 1, 2025
- Date by Which Projects Must Be Completed: Within one year of notification
Other Details
- This grant requires at least a 50 percent cash/in-kind match.
- We plan to award four or five INcommon Grants in 2025.
- Funding is provided by Indiana Humanities (through the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency) and the Indianapolis Foundation, a Central Indiana Community Foundation affiliate.
Apply Now
Read the online application instructions.
Funded Projects
The following are lists of projects that have received an Indiana Humanities INcommon Grant in recent years. For more information about the projects and to discuss ideas for your own programs, contact Indiana Humanities’ grants team at grants@indianahumanities.org or 317.638.1500.
INcommon Grant Resources
Grant resources designed to help you carry out a successful project.
INcommon Grant Highlights

Grant Spotlight: Afrofuturism Fridays
“Afrofuturism Fridays,” is a discussion series that seeks to reexamine events of the past, critique the present-day dilemmas of the African Diaspora and create a space to imagine and dream of possible futures. Authors, artists and visionary experts on Afrofuturism help facilitate the conversations.
Read morePartners & Funders
Contact George Hanlin, Director of Grants:
grants@indianahumanities.org | 317.616.9784