Quantum Leap
Quantum Leap was a two-year thematic initiative that encouraged Hoosiers to explore and celebrate the spirit of possibility and problem-solving that occurs when we bridge the humanities with science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and medicine.
In 2017 and 2018 Indiana Humanities invited Hoosiers to learn more about how we question, tinker, invent and imagine—and what the consequences are for those innovations.
Quantum Leap events and programs included a podcast, a statewide read of Frankenstein, a book club for popular science fiction titles, field trips to places of scientific discovery, a poetry tour and more.
The theme will most likely be remembered for its larger-than-life Frankenstein activity, which included a kickoff Frankenfest event, campus and community reads, a speakers bureau, grants and hundreds of other activities. But thousands of Hoosiers also engaged with the theme through completing “shelfie challenges,” ordering a Hoosier Ingenuity poster, listening to a podcast or participating in a community discussion. The legacy of Books, Booze & Brains as a popular science fiction book club lives on, as does our statewide read.
Program Highlights

Sound Bites
Discover Sound Bites—a series of five-minute-long audio stories that share moments of scientific discovery, creation and innovation in Indiana’s past and present.
Listen in
The Quest
Consider hosting a conversation that explores Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nobel Peace Prize speech “The Quest for Peace and Justice,” in which he describes how the exciting innovations in STEM cannot be fully understood without the humanities.
Download the discussion guide
It's Alive!
One State / One Story: Frankenstein was a monstrous success. Learn more about what the program brought to life during the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's incredible novel.
Read the recapQuestions?
Contact Beth Kloote, Office Manager / Executive Assistant:
bkloote@indianahumanities.org | 317.616.0007