Bookmark Indy
Bookmark Indy is a one-of-a-kind literary exploration of Indianapolis through the eyes of the writers who’ve called it home. Explore the city while encountering points of inspiration for Hoosier authors like Kurt Vonnegut, John Green, Mari Evans, Booth Tarkington and more. With BookmarkIndy.com as your guide, learn about Indy’s rich literary culture, experience local art inspired by Indy’s writers and find creative prompts to make your own mark. Who knows—maybe you’ll be bookmarked next!
Program Highlights

Mari Evans Mural
Indianapolis honors Black Arts Movement pioneer author Mari Evans with a larger-than-life mural painted by artist Michael Jordan, aka ALKEMI, and curated by Big Car Collective.
Check it out
Lockerbie Street
James Whitcomb Riley adored the Indianapolis neighborhood of Lockerbie. Riley wrote the poem “Lockerbie Street” even before he became a longtime resident.
Take a stroll
A visit to the Catacombs—approximately 20,000 square feet of hidden space that lies beneath Indianapolis’s City Market—inspired Maurice Broaddus’s underground world in his novel Pimp My Airship.
Go undergroundPartners & Funders
- Lilly Endowment Inc.
- The Herbert Simon Family Foundation
- The Public Collection
- Arthur Jordan Foundation
- The National Bank of Indianapolis
- Additional in-kind support from Visit Indy, Art Strategies and SmallBox
Contact Megan Telligman, Director of Programs:
mtelligman@indianahumanities.org | 317.616.9409