
Guest Poetry Post: “Where the poetry ran” by Jake Roesler

After reading our featured poems during National Poetry Month on our blog, Jake Roesler was inspired to share his own poetry as a guest contributor to our blog.  Enjoy this…

After reading our featured poems during National Poetry Month on our blog, Jake Roesler was inspired to share his own poetry as a guest contributor to our blog.  Enjoy this selection from his works.

Where the poetry ran

i told you.
the poetry runs out.

you’d like it
to run out your
overflowing stanzas
pushing and shoving
making their way to
the front of your mind,
freeing themselves
onto the page
through fingers

that’s the way
you’d like it

if you could
have your way.

un – fortun – ately
you are dry as
a husk, the dead
outer shell of
what was
some juicy bits.

what use are you now?
not the vessel
you used to be.
not even
a philanthropic muse
will give you
the time of day.

what can you choke out
with ink-stained fingers
balled into fists
desperately punching
your aching stomach
in a self-implemented
heimlich maneuver?

what’s the result?

without passion
without vision
without music
without joy
without hate

with apathy,
what can you accomplish?

Well, you can remember
that apathetic lies
are only husk deep.

and words on a page
are only
words on a page.

and eventually
the poetry runs out.

real glory
is finding out
where the poetry ran.


Jake Roesler is an amateur poet, a grateful father of two, and an Indy nonprofit professional.  You can find more of Jake’s poetry at wordgallery.wordpress.com