Curious Conversations Speaker Series: R. Douglas Hurt
Hosted by Conner PrairieJoin Conner Prairie for a talk about the history of agriculture in the 19th-century Midwest.
Event Details
Conner Prairie invites you to tune in as it hosts Curious Conversations, a series of talks by experts on Indiana history, covering topics in the areas of natural science, history, folklore, and civics.
May’s program features Dr. R. Douglas Hurt, who will discuss the history of agriculture in the 19th-century Midwest.
Hurt is professor emeritus in the department of history at Purdue University, where he served as department head. He also has held the positions of professor and director of the Graduate Program in Agricultural History and Rural Studies at Iowa State University, associate director of the State Historical Society of Missouri, and curator of agriculture at the Ohio Historical Society. He is the author of Agriculture in the Midwest, 1815-1900, which won the Jon Gjerde Book Award presented by the Midwestern History Association, and American Agriculture: A Brief History.
To register for the talk, click on the RSVP link above. The program takes place in Conner Prairie’s Prairie House, #38 on this map.
For more information about Curious Conversations, visit Conner Prairie’s website or call 317.776.6000.
This program received support from an Indiana Humanities Action Grant.