
Civility in Sports

Meghan Vogel, a junior runner for West Liberty-Salem High School in West Liberty, Ohio, gave up her chance at winning the 3,200 when she decided to stop and help her…

Meghan Vogel, a junior runner for West Liberty-Salem High School in West Liberty, Ohio, gave up her chance at winning the 3,200 when she decided to stop and help her opponent, Arden McMath from Arlington High School.

McMath had collapsed in front of Vogel and rather than run by her, Vogel helped McMath to her feet and carried her across the finish line, making sure to keep McMath ahead of her.

“It’s been crazy. I can’t understand why everyone wants to talk to me, but I guess I’m getting used to it now,” she said. “It’s strange to have people telling me that this was such a powerful act of kindness and using words like ‘humanity.’ It’s weird. When I hear words like that I think of Harriet Tubman and saving people’s lives. I don’t consider myself a hero. I just did what I knew was right and what I was supposed to do.”

To read more about Vogel’s act of civility click here.