
Celebrate the history and culture of steamboats

Two hundred years ago, in 1811, Nicholas Roosevelt (great-grand uncle of Theodore) guided the first steamboat down the Ohio River and to New Orleans. Since then, the Ohio River steamboat…

Two hundred years ago, in 1811, Nicholas Roosevelt (great-grand uncle of Theodore) guided the first steamboat down the Ohio River and to New Orleans. Since then, the Ohio River steamboat has played an invaluable role in the economic, cultural, social, and environmental history of the United States. (Learn more about this here!) In order to honor the bicentennial of this historic event, the Rivers Institute of Hanover College has organized the 2011 Steamboat Celebration.

The Steamboat Celebration Committee has planned events throughout 2011 all along the Ohio River to excite and engage people in the region about the historic significance of the steamboat. From Oct. 14-16, an especially entertaining steamboat-themed weekend has been planned in Madison, Indiana. During this three-day extravaganza called the Bicentennial Belle, the Belle of Louisville and the Belle of Cincinnati will both be offering cruises, tours and even a two-hour steamboat race.

The Belle of Louisville - imagine yourself here during the Steamboat Celebration!

To purchase tickets for the Belle of Louisville or Belle of Cincinnati, and to see the cruise and tour schedule, visit the event website. For a full listing of the Steamboat Celebration events in 2011, click here. While you’re there, go ahead and check out the Steamboat Cookbook, too!