
April 8: Rainy Sunday in September by Alice B. Couch

Rainy Sunday in September It’s raining again, but I don’t mind. I remember the lazy September Sundays we spent at home. You sat by the window, laughing at the rain…

Rainy Sunday in September

It’s raining again,
but I don’t mind.
I remember the lazy
September Sundays
we spent at home.

You sat by the window,
laughing at the rain
while you painted
your toenails
Watermelon Pink.

I found two bottles
in my medicine chest
after you walked
out the door.

My friends say
I should throw them away,
but they don’t understand
why I kept them
all these years.

When I walk to the kitchen
for a drink,
I still feel the weight
of your hands
on my shoulders.
Hear you padding
along behind me
on your heels,
because the polish
isn’t dry yet.

The September rain
keeps it tacky.
It’s raining again,
but it doesn’t matter.
I’m not going anywhere.
Everywhere I’d go,
your memories would follow!

—Alice B. Couch (Hamilton County)

Alice B. Couch, a youngster of 84 years, is a retired nurse’s aide. She resides in Noblesville with her two dogs Robert Burns and Squeakie, along with her three-legged cat Wayne. As an author, poet and artist she brings her unique talents into play as shown in her first book Alice’s ABC’s and her collaboration with daughter, Mary, in their book Two Views. A student of yoga and Buddhism, Alice has a gift for blending the rational approach of the Western mind with the deep spiritual wisdom of the east in her writings.