
New Advancing Racial Equity Book Collection in Novel Conversations Library

Earlier this year, Indiana Humanities awarded 150 grants to Indiana libraries to fund collection development in the area of advancing racial equity, thanks to funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. This…

Earlier this year, Indiana Humanities awarded 150 grants to Indiana libraries to fund collection development in the area of advancing racial equity, thanks to funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. This funding also allowed us to purchase several new book kits in this collecting area for Novel Conversations, outlined below.

Recipients of the Advancing Racial Equity grants used this list to select titles to add to their library collections. Our newly purchased additions all come from the list, but we also want to highlight titles already in our collection that appear on the list as well. Be sure to reserve these titles for your club for next year!

Also, we’re committed to continuing to collect titles in this area, so you if see any titles from the master list that you’d like us to consider adding to the library, please reach out to Bronwen Carlisle at bcarlisle@indianahumanities.org



Novel Conversations is a free statewide lending library. Indiana Humanities lends more than 900 titles, primarily fiction and biography, to reading and discussion groups all over Indiana, free of charge. Learn more here.